Laser Hair Growth Therapy
When your hair starts thinning, rejuvenation with laser therapy can slow down or stop certain processes that cause hair loss. Our hair and scalp analysis lets you know for sure whether you can expect results from laser therapy, and we offer convenient and comfortable at-home treatment options.
What is Laser Therapy?
Low-level laser light therapy has gotten a lot of attention in the past few years, primarily because the technology has advanced so quickly. Since it’s unlikely to completely stop or reverse hair loss, we’re most likely to recommend it only for specific types of men and women’s hair loss. If you’re intrigued by the benefits of laser therapy, we’ll be delighted to discuss its potential for your unique situation.
Clear and Proven Benefits
There’s no question. Low-level laser light therapy, when administered with the proper frequency by FDA-approved laser diodes, has positive effects on the hair and scalp.
Laser therapy benefits
- Increases blood flow in the scalp
- Fortifies hair follicles
- Improves follicle nutrition
- Enlarges the volume, thickness and overall size of hair strands
- Promotes new growth at the cellular level
- It's completely painless.
This is true in more ways than one. First off, while lasers can be powerful, ours are painless. Many clients don’t feel any sensation at all, and those who do can only notice a faint tingling. The diodes stay cool to the touch, and no part of the treatment causes any discomfort. To make treatment convenient, we offer at-home laser options. The important thing is to be consistent, so we want you to use the type of laser that will be realistic for you. Another benefit is that laser therapy is relatively affordable.

Laser Hair Growth Therapy
02It can slow down or stop certain processes that cause hair loss.
Topical Thickening & Hair Regrowth Products
03We provide products that have been clinically tested and found to be safe and effective.
Since the primary types of hair loss weaken the follicles and capillaries responsible for hair growth, stabilizing them is vital to preventing the advancement of hair loss. Laser light therapy fights thinning by improving blood flow, increasing nutrient delivery, and stimulating new hair growth.
The Bottom Line
Laser Hair Therapy works for some people. For others, it gets no visible hair-growth results at all. The only way to determine whether it will work for you is to have a thorough hair and scalp analysis that involves microscopic photography of your scalp. At Capilia Madison, we administer laser therapy and all of our solutions ethically. That means we won’t recommend laser if it’s not likely to get you real results. For honest answers and an all around more comfortable experience, we’re the studio to ask about local laser therapy options in Madison.
We Want to Help You!
Laser hair growth therapy is safe, painless, and FDA-approved to combat hair loss. What’s more, Capilia Madison offers laser solutions that are comfortable and convenient. Are you ready to learn more? We’d love to talk with you about how laser hair therapy works, and to help you decide whether it’s the right approach for you. A good place to start is simply by contacting us to schedule an appointment for your hair loss consultation. We’ll sit down with you in a relaxed and intimate setting and answer any questions you may have. Contact our Madison, WI studio today to schedule your consultation.
What People Say About Us
We’re proud to be Madison’s studio completely devoted to correcting hair loss for men and women. We care about your hair loss. We’re here for you before, while, and after your hair is restored.
I feel much better about myself and look younger. I am happy with the way I look, so I feel good and feel more confident. My advice is that if you are considering hair restoration – try it! You will look better, feel better and look much younger.
I'm still getting many compliments on my hair. I've never been happier. No one to this day, except my husband and daughter, know I wear a wig. It was a wish come true!
I love that I look younger and have more confidence. The hair I have is better than my original hair. I love my look. I don't feel old, so why look old. If you have the money to spend and you are losing hair, there is no reason to not at least try hair restoration – see if you like it.